Every parent desires the best for their newborn child. Parents can offer their children a good start by eating well.
Parents frequently neglect to consider how nutrition can affect an infant's health, including the development of the immune system. Here is some advice for parents to boost their infant's immune system development during pregnancy and the first year of life.
* A mother should keep in mind that what she consumes during pregnancy has an impact on her unborn kid. A pregnant mother's health will be supported by a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals and adequate water.
Pregnant women are advised to consume foods high in protein, such as soy, lean meats, and legumes, as well as foods high in antioxidants, such as broccoli, red potatoes, and blueberries, to support the development of an infant's immune system.
* The first year: A developing newborn gets antibodies from its mother before birth. Initial immune protection for the growing newborn is provided by maternal antibodies, h
owe, ver these antibodies quickly disappear after birth. As the mother's antibodies start to wear off, a newborn begins to produce its own.
The only method a mother may give immune-protective antibodies to her baby after birth is through her breast milk, which is one of the reasons why breastfeeding is advised for at least the first year of life.